As media consumption is heading towards high degrees of content personalization, there is a growing need to assess the perceptual performance of these developments. The Adjustment/Satisfaction Test (A/ST) is a perceptual test where subjects interact with a user-adjustable system and their adjustment preferences and the resulting satisfaction levels are studied.
The details are presented in our papers:
@inproceedings{TorcoliHPUFH17_AST_AES, title = {The Adjustment/Satisfaction Test (A/ST) for the Subjective Evaluation of Dialogue Enhancement}, author = {Matteo Torcoli and J{\"u}rgen Herre and Jouni Paulus and Christian Uhle and Harald Fuchs and Oliver Hellmuth}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 143rd the Audio Engineering Society ({AES}) Convention}, month = {October}, year = {2017}, address = {New York, USA}, url-citations={}, url-pdf={2017_AES_Torcoli_AST.pdf} }
@ARTICLE{8369355, author={Matteo Torcoli and J{\"u}rgen Herre and Harald Fuchs and Jouni Paulus and Christian Uhle}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting}, title={The Adjustment/Satisfaction Test (A/ST) for the Evaluation of Personalization in Broadcast Services and Its Application to Dialogue Enhancement}, year={2018}, volume={64}, number={2}, pages={524-538}, doi={10.1109/TBC.2018.2832458}, month={June}, url-pdf={AST_IEEE_BTS_authorsVersion.pdf} }
In these papers, we also show the application of the A/ST for the evaluation of a Dialogue Enhancement system, i.e., an object-based audio system which enables the content consumer to control the balance between the dialogue and all other audio sources.
A demo implementation of the A/ST can be downloaded here (it requires Max by Cycling'74):
Please read carefully the LICENSE agreement.
If you find the A/ST software useful, please cite the mentioned publications.
We appreciate any feedback and contribution. Correspondence should be addressed to
27-03-2020: ASTsw_v1 replaced by ASTsw_v5.1, which improves the previous version by implementing bug fixes, better documentation, and support for up to 6 channels.