In [1] we addressed the measurement of reverberation in terms of the direct-to-reverberation ratio (DRR) in the context of the assessment of dereverberation algorithms for which we wish to quantify the level of reverberation before and after processing. The DRR is normally calculated from the impulse response of the reverberating system. However, several important dereverberation algorithms involve nonlinear and/or time-varying processing and therefore their effect cannot conveniently be represented in terms of modifications to the impulse response of the reverberating system. In such cases, we show that a good estimate of DRR can be obtained from the input/output signals alone using the signal-to-reverberant ratio (SRR) only if the source signal is spectrally white and correctly normalized. We studied alternative normalization schemes and conclude by showing a least squares optimal normalization procedure for estimating DRR using signal-based SRR measurement. Simulation results illustrated the accuracy of DRR estimation using SRR.
A MATLAB implementation of the signal-based DRR measure can be downloaded here.
Note: The MATLAB function nsegsrr.m requires VoiceBox.