
Jahresbericht des Stifterverbandes 2023/24 (Interview)

This interview titled "Zwischen Wellenformdaten und Ring des Nibelungen" was conducted by Heike Freimann and appeared in the Jahresbericht des Stifterverbandes 2023/24.

Jahresbericht 2023 der DFG (Summary LEARN Project)

A short report titled "Lernen mit und über Musikdaten" of the DFG-funded LEARN project appeared in the Jahresbericht 2023 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) on pages 95-100.

Podcast about Music Information Retrieval (WolfTalk #012, 2023)

In this podcast episode moderated by Jan Wilczek, Meinard Müller shares his personal view on the field of music information retrieval and how one may find one's place in the research world in general.

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Nonnegative Mozart Factorization

Audio mosaicing using nonnegative matrix factorization. This video was presented at the 20th anniversary music session of the ISMIR conference, Delft, 2019.

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Multiscale Mozart Synchronization

Audio alignment using music synchronization techniques. This video was presented at the 20th anniversary music session of the ISMIR conference, Delft, 2019.

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Neue Entwicklungen in der Musikverarbeitung

Antrittsvorlesung im Rahmen des Tags der Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik der FAU am Freitag, 12. Juli 2013.

Music processing using chroma features

A small tutorial on chroma features with applications to music navigation and retrieval.

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Neue Allianzen zwischen Musik und Informatik (SR)

Neue Allianzen zwischen Musik und Informatik: Kooperation des Max-Planck Instituts für Informatik und der Hochschule für Musik Saar Fernsehbeitrag, Saarländischer Rundunk, Kulturspiegel, 07. October 2009 Bericht: Karsten Neuschwender, Kamera: Klaus Henrich, Schnitt: Sabine Bolz

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Stabilizing motion tracking using retrieved motion priors (ICCV2009)

Andreas Baak, Bodo Rosenhahn, Meinard Müller, and Hans-Peter Seidel Stabilizing motion tracking using retrieved motion priors. 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 1428-1435, 2009.

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Efficient and robust annotation of motion capture data (SCA2009)

Meinard Müller, Andreas Baak, and Hans-Peter Seidel Efficient and robust annotation of motion capture data. Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, pp. 17-26, 2009.

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Motion templates for automatic classification and retrieval of motion capture data (SCA2006)

Meinard Müller and Tido Röder Motion templates for automatic classification and retrieval of motion capture data. Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), Vienna, Austria, pp. 137-146, 2006.

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Efficient content-based retrieval of motion capture data (SIGGRAPH2005)

Meinard Müller, Tido Röder, and Michael Clausen Efficient content-based retrieval of motion capture data. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), vol. 24, pp. 677-685, 2005.

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